Estate Planning, Lasting Powers of Attorney, Probate & Wills

Forest Wills & Estate Planning Ltd offer a range of estate planning services to protect your assets, your business and your family. These include Wills, Trusts, Lasting Powers of Attorney for Health and Welfare and for Property and Financial Affairs, as well Business Lasting Powers of Attorney for sole traders, business partners and company directors. 

We  deal with applications to the Court of Protection for Deputyship when a person has no mental capacity to deal with their affairs and has not appointed an Attorney under a Lasting Power of Attorney.

We also advise and assist executors with Grant of  Probate applications  and  Estate Administration. 

Forest Wills & Estate Planning Ltd is incorporated in England and Wales under company number 11110966 and is registered at Fedden Myrtle Cottage, Blakeney Hill Road, Blakeney, Gloucestershire, GL15 4BT.  


Forest of dean wills and will writing


Find out more about willsA Will is a legal document in which you arrange how your property will be distributed, and who will deal with your estate (your executors), on your death. Importantly, wills enable you to pass on your assets in a tax efficient way. You would decide who is the successor of your business and plan well in advance  for that succession to evolve efficiently. 

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Estate Planning

Estate planning involves maximizing your wealth to then passing it on efficiently in a way that achieves your aims, which would normally include the provision of financial security for yourself and your family and mitigating tax.  The scope of options available to you are primarily dependant on your circumstances including the value and type of assets included in your estate, your civil status and your family unit. 

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Probate and Estate Administration

This process is concerned with applying for a Grant of Probate to enable to administer the deceased's estate, pay  debts and expenses and distribute the assets to the beneficiaries. Inheritance tax, if due, is payable prior to obtaining the Grant. 

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Lasting Power of Attorney for Health and Welfare

You may encounter situations when planning and dealing with your personal welfare and health matters will be difficult if you are unable to make decisions due to lack  of mental capacity. People of any age can lose their mental capacity -temporarily or permanently- because of an accident or illness for instance, and by making a Lasting Power of Attorney you ensure that the person you choose (your attorney) will be helping you if and when required. Having appointed an attorney under a Lasting Power of Attorney will also prevent potential family disputes as to whom should deal with your health affairs and what decisions shall be made if you lack mental capacity.

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I am Marcela Pierabella and I was born in Argentina, where I attended secondary school in the village of Los Quirquinchos, in the Santa Fe province. I qualified as a Laywer  in 1997,  obtaining my law degree at the National University of Rosario. After a brief period of practising as a lawyer in Argentina, I moved to Europe to study a Master in Law in Huelva, Spain. I subsequently studied  contemporary law in Brazil before  settling in London in 1999, where for over 10 years I worked in welfare and housing law in several organisations including Terrence Higgins Trust and St Hilda’s Community Centre. Read more About

Get In Touch

If you would like further information or advice about Wills, Trusts,  Lasting Powers of Attorney, Probate or any of other services in connection with estate planning or estate administration, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact Info:

Fedden Myrtle Cottage, Blakeney Hill Road, Blakeney, GL15 4BT,
Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire
01594 516351
07930 843223

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